Robert Key shocked the cricket world by saying the one word that should never be used.
To call a selector, an administracrat, or a pitch inspector a muppet is the single worst word you can use.
Call them cocksuckers.
Compare them to a dildo.
Mention what a massive ass clown they are.
But don’t you dare call them muppets.
It’s offensive, to muppets.
Robert Key was fined 1250 quid for using them m word, which for an IPL cricketer is the cash you use to light your cigar with, but for someone on key’s salary it’s serious money, i mean other than pie sponsorship deals and kent, who is going to give him money.
In related news Jim Henson’s estate are looking at taking a class action suit out against the ICC, and all major cricket boards for defamation of his characters.
A lawyer for the estate read a prepared statement.
“The muppets are a well loved family entertainment icon, as a brand we would not like them brought down to the standard of any cricket officials, we think this is a grosse injustice, and we are looking into the legalities of these continuing incidents at the moment. “
Rob Key is a smart man though, he knows he has done wrong.
For his part, Key admitted his remarks were
“inappropriate and I offer my unreserved apology to all concerned”.