The American government is quick to pounce on Communists, Muslims, copyright infringers and anyone who restricts free speech or free trade.
But do they attack the Cricket Australia board for muting Roy, no.
And do you know why, because it’s a conspiracy involving the CIA and the Giant Lizards of the world to shut Roy up and then take over the game.
Never mind the fact that when you let him speak he often sounds like a dill.
If Roy and his merry men are angry with the freemasons, scientology, Cricket Australia or any other wacky organisation they should be able to say so.
Publicly even.
Cricket Australia does not want free speech, because players may inform them, and us, that they are d1ckheads.
And who likes to be told they’re a d1ckhead, generally only the sort of guy that would hire a dominatrix.
Cricket Australia sent out a bow tie wearing administracrat to say that they were just concerned with what Roy was saying, as his facts were not the same as their facts.
That’s probably because his opinion was different to their opinion.
How long will it be before every team has a CIA spy, I mean we already have Giant Alien Lizards playing the game.
Once the spies and lizards have taken over, then the players can be pensioned off and the sons of the cricket administracrats and the cultural elite can play. And that is not an Adam Bacher joke.
Cricket is reliant on cricket players, it is not reliant on cricket administracrats.
If all the cricket administracrats were too suddenly to die of syphilis, cricket would continue with only a brief morning period.
And perhaps a one day game where all the profits went towards syphilis research.
We want to hear what players have on their minds, we are sick of being of cricket being diluted.
Give us our cricketers and their insane words, we much prefer them to your generic double speak and politically correct gibberish.
We also would like Roy to wear a bow tie, just once. Or am I objectifying him?