Hi Uncle J rod,
This is your friendly administracrat (great word chum) mole from the halls of justice at Cricket Australia.
Thought you might want the latest memo that’s being sent to all the state associations in the coming days.
Due to the recent racial and on field problems surrounding cricket, CA has a new list of terms we would prefer you don’t say when out on the ground.
You cannot call Queenslanders Banana benders, as this could be seen as a monkey joke.
All jokes about incest and Tasmanians are banned, publicly.
You cannot call the vics Mexicans, or cheating @ssholes.
The phrase lucky bastard is ok, but bastard cannot be used without the prefix lucky.
You cannot call Western Australia a province of South Africa, because that makes all Australians uncomfortable.
All comments about there being a conspiracy for New south Wales cricketers should be kept to sportsmans nights or said under your breath.
You cannot refer to any player as any animal, unless in the showers where the word donkey is still allowed.
South Australians should continued to be ignored.
You can call New Zealanders what ever you’d like, we hate those fu©ken sheep shagging ©unts.
Great Blogging Uncle J rod, keep it up.